Well it has been a long time since I have updated you and a lot has changed. Last year was a tough year for Colby but he has made so much progress and is doing very well. Let me get you up to date. When Colby was about 12 months old they discovered that he had low muscle tone in his trunk (bottom half of his body) and that was why he was not crawling or walking. We went to see a neurologist and had a MRI done to make sure there were no problems that were causing those delays. After several stressful days of waiting, the test results came back normal. They set us up with Early Intervention to have him assessed to see which areas were delayed so they could start working with him. He passed every test except for the physical development. He was 12 months at the time and was testing at a 9 month olds level. They also discovered his low muscle tone. They set him up with a physical therapist and a special instructor to work with him. They come out to the house or to Colby's mother's day out class once a month and do exercises with him. They also teach me how to continue to work with him at home. Colby started making progress immediately. While working with him we noticed that he was turning his feet out and that he was really pronating his feet. His PT(physical therapist) said that it was due to his low muscle tone so she decided that he needed to be put in some orthotics. They are basically hard plastic ankle braces. Within a week of receiving the braces, he started trying to walk. One week before Christmas we received the best Christmas present ever, Colby starting walking on his own and has not stopped since. I remember Scott and I talking before Christmas and saying that all we wanted for Christmas was for Colby to walk. It was such a blessing and we thank God for answering all of our prayers. Colby still wears his braces some of the time and is doing so well. He had physical therapy on Tues. and his PT said that he has made so much progress that she does not need to see him again until March or April and that after that it may just be twice a year. Yeah Colby!!
As most of you know Colby had several surgeries last year and we appreciate all of your prayers. Now we are hopefull that we are through with all surgeries and everything is corrected. He is doing great.
I know many of you have been praying for Colby throughout this year and I cannot express how much we appreciate your prayers. God has been so good to us and Colby is such a blessing to have in our lives. It is so wonderful to watch him grow each day and learn and discover new things. He now is saying "Mommy" and "Daddy" and it is music to our ears. He is about to be 18 months old and we cannot believe what a big boy he has become. Children are amazing!