Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Colby Dancing

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tubes It Is :-(

Well we went back to the ENT today because Colby has double ear infections again and he decided that we need to go ahead and put tubes in. Colby did not pass his hearing test in the right ear but they think that is because he has a lot of fluid in that ear. So next Thursday morning our little man will get tubes :( I have mixed feelings about it because I know that he will be much happier and feel much better afterwards but at the same time I don't want him to have to undergo anesthesia. The doctor said that it is light anesthesia so that is good.
We would like to ask you all to please pray for our little one next Thursday that everything will go smoothly and for his mommy and daddy to be strong.


The Tennant's said...

We'll be thinking of you guys! We've been through this a total of 5 times with our two kids. You are right - he will feel so much better when it's over. Good luck! Jennifer (Mathews) Tennant

Jen said...

we will keep your family in our prayers everyday! good luck little man!

Margie said...

hey! saw you on Jenn's blog. I live in sav pointe too. I am friends with Deann and we have met before. Glad you are a blogger.

Mosshouse said...

Way to go! Tubes take about 20 minutes, tops! It's not scary at all. We wish we had gotten Little Philip tubs at Colby's age. We probably would have avoided speech therapy which, by the way, is going well!