Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Colby Dancing

Friday, July 25, 2008

Colby Ryan Fancher is Here

Colby is here and boy is he a handsome baby. Marg is doing great. She was a real trooper during the c-section. I think she was more worried about me passing out.

I felt comfortable and actually looked over the sheet four times. The first time, I saw a foot, the second...two feet, the third....a little fanny, the fourth....a head full of hair.

I was doing fine until the NIC U nurses kept saying, "come on buddy, you can do it", he was not crying. A couple of minutes passed, no crying. He was a little "shocked" and lazy. He never cried. Something came over me and I started sweating, started to pass out. I held it together. Marg was just looking at me.

He kept "Grunting". The nurses describe it as trying to blow a balloon up. Well, he ended up in the NIC U. We kinda expected it. Low blood sugars and breathing problems. Good thing, he has been breathing on his own the whole time.

Marg got to hold him for about a minute and we took him to "see the family". It was not until about an hour later when Marg got to actually hold him for the first time. The look in his eyes, he knew it was his mother.

We are now in room 246. Marg is trying to get some sleep. I went to see Colby around 8PM and ended up getting to rock him for about 30 minutes. One of the highlights of my life.


karen p said...

He's beautiful. Doesn't look newborn! I know it was much work to get him here, but wow was he worth it!
These happy outcomes are why I love my job as your diabetes educator!
Dr. Stahl is out of town for another week, but I'll pass the photos on to her!

jae said...

He is BEAUTIFUL!!I love the head of
dark hair! I know he is already such a blessing, there are so many happy times ahead!! Talk to you soon. love you all 3
Jae(and Steve)

Pam said...

Congrate!!!!HE is so very beautiful!!! I know how wonderful you both are feeling. Such a big blessing in such a little bundle. I know how it feels to hear "you may take your baby home". There are NO greater words to here than those. Take in EVERY second that you have with him and take lots of pictures because he will grow faster than you will want. He will change every day. BEFORE you will know it he will be ONE!!! Enjoy, love, hug and kiss him. There is NEVER to much of that. He really is a beautiful angel...but Never expected anything less. We love you all. Love Pam and Gammon p.s. get some rest hope to see you three soon(after you rest up).