Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Colby Dancing

Friday, December 5, 2008

Completely Humbled!

So I was sitting in the waiting room with Colby at his GI doctor's office thinking about how tired and stressed I was because this was our 4th doctor's appointment this week, all of which we had to wait at least 1-2 hours in the waiting room, and Colby was fussy and next to me was this 11 year old girl and her mom. They started asking me how old Colby was and the little girl(Jordan) was talking to Colby and asking me why we were there. I explained to her that he has reflux and that he had an upper GI done last week and that we were here for the results and to talk to the Dr. more about his reflux. I continue to sit there just feeling sorry for Colby and everything that he has been through already and getting really tired of waiting rooms and I start talking to Jordan about why she is at the doctor. She and her mother explain to me that Jordan has Chromes disease, colitis, and severe acid reflux. My heart just melted. Jordan continues to tell me all about her situation and how sick she is all the time and her mom just looked so tired. Her mom explained to me that Jordan was up 4 out of 7 nights of the week doubled over in pain for 1 year until they finally found Dr. King and he diagnosed her. Before that some Drs. thought that she may have bone cancer, some said it was all in her head, they really didn't know what was going on. Her mom said that she is doing better now but that she is on a lot of medicine and steroids. Jordan proceeded to tell me about her best friend who was 10 years old who is at Children's because he has leukemia and just had a bone marrow transplant. Jordan was telling me all about this boy's condition and how his white blood cell count was slowly coming back up and how no one could go see him because of his low immune system. Again, my heart melts. Here I am feeling frustrated because we are having to wait so long to see all these docs. and here is this 11 year old girl who drove an hour and a half to see this doctor and this little boy in the hospital who is so sick and can't even see his family. I am truly humbled by their strength, patience and courage. And all this time Jordan is just talking and playing with Colby and being so sweet.
So I wanted to ask that this holiday season you all pray for Jordan and her family and for the little boy in the hospital with leukemia. Jordan's mom was struggling with trying to decide if she should pull her out of school and home school her because she misses so much and the school was giving her a hard time about that. So please pray for healing and comfort for Jordan and wisdom and peace for Jordan's parents. And please pray for a miraculous recovery for Jordan's friend in the hospital and that he will continue to improve and that his family will be able to be with him soon. I can't imagine going through either of these situations and am in awe of the strength and courage of these children and their parents. This just reminds me to be so thankful that we have eachother and to be thankful for the people we have in our lives. I know sometimes life is rough and our situation that we are going through at that time may seem terrible but just remember as Jordan's mom told her "hey, it could be worse". There are so many people out there who are truly suffering and in need of a miraculous recovery. Please Pray!

Romans 12:12- " Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer,"

Completely Humbled,

1 comment:

Eric and Sarah said...

Emory never had reflux or ear infections as an infant and it was still soooo hard. It will get better, he will sleep through the night and take regular naps, and (before you know it) he'll be sitting at the dinner table in a booster seat telling daddy about his day with mommy. It won't be long at all before this is a distant memory, you'll feel human again, and then get geared up to do it all over again :). Hang in there.

I still remember feeling overwhelmed at the thought of even brushing my teeth, I was so tired and stressed out as a new mommy.